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Add a Little Flavor to Your Saturday

Posted on Apr 26, 2016

Add a Little Flavor to Your Saturday at the McCormick Flavor Nation Festival


What is your idea of a fun Saturday aside from being cooped up at home? If enjoying good food while listening to live music is on the top of your head, then come join us at the McCormick Flavor Nation Festival on April 30 at the Bonifacio High Street Central Amphitheater!



From 12 n.n. to 9 p.m., you can get a free taste McCormick’s newest line of noodles: palabok, pad thai, chap chae, birthday noodles, and laksa. Plus, McCormick’s resident chef, Sabrina Artadi of Sabrina’s Kitchen will show everyone different dishes for each noodle.


More food also awaits you as chefs from restaurants like Burgers & Brewskies, Ilustrado, Buta Wagyu, Café Bola, Churreria La Lola, and Marmalade Kitchen will be present to share their signature dishes to hungry attendees.


But be sure to stay till 6 p.m. to watch and hear some music from local acts such as Basti Artadi, Reese Lansangan, Fools & Foes, Sun Manager, Paranoid City, and Keiko Necesario.


So what are you waiting for? Bring your friends and family to this food and activity-filled event! Don’t forget to check out the hashtags #McCormickFlavorNation and #FnBReport, and their official event page for more updates.


This event is presented to you by McCormick Philippines in partnership with F&B Report, and brought to you by Hinge Inquirer Publications with special thanks to our partners Tefal, OXO, Oneida, and Anchor Hocking. Official media partners include,, Scout, Southern Living Magazine, and Northern Living Magazine.

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