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Filipino Cuisine Recipe Mix

Adobo Express with Chili & Gata Recipe Mix

Filipino Cuisine Recipe Mix


Make your adobo sizzling hot with this mouthwatering gata flavored mix with coriander and a kick of spicy chili.

Available In

Adobo Classic 30g
Adobo Express with Chili & Gata 30g
Adobong Pula 30g
Adobong Puti 30g

Usage Tips

• ½ kilo meat
• 3 tbsp. oil
• 1 cup water


  1. Brown ½ kg meat in 3 tbsp oil
  2. Dilute McCormick Adobo Recipe Mix in 1 cup water
  3. Stir mixture into browned meat and simmer until meat is cooked through.
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